Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I just finished my first year as a group leader in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)!  This venture was a huge step of faith for me as I don't feel I am a natural born leader. When I was asked into leadership, my first reaction was to say "no", but as time went on and I prayed about it, I knew in my heart that if I did say no I would be disobeying God.  And I'm so glad I followed the Holy Spirit's nudging in my heart.  It was a wonderful experience - such a time of growth for me as I continued to lean on and trust in God's mighty promises.  This year's BSF study was on Genesis and through the lessons I repeatedly saw how God used imperfect people to fulfill His perfect plan. Week after week I was reminded how trust in God is vital to peace and joy when facing tough situations in everyday life. God was so faithful to me each week in my new role as a group leader! I made some mistakes, did some things well, and through it all He covered everything with His grace!  See where a step of faith can lead you to!